quinta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2011

John Anealio: GeekDad Remix

O músico John Anealio lança o álbum "GeekDad Remix" para download e streaming gratuito. O álbum conta com a participação de vários artistas como Mike Crooker, Casey Shultz, Haruhiko, David Ritter e R.A. Blum.


The musician John Anealio released the "GeekDad Remix" to download and free streaming. The album has the participation of various artists such as Mike Crooker, Casey Shultz, Haruhiko, David Ritter and RA Blum.


Музыкант John Anealio выпустил 'GeekDad Remix "для загрузки и свободного потока.Альбом участием различных художников, таких как Mike Crooker, Casey Shultz, Haruhiko, David Ritter и R.A. Blum.


Musiker John Anealio released 'GeekDad Remix "zum Download und kostenlosen Streaming. Das Album hat die Beteiligung von verschiedenen Künstlern wie Mike Crooker, Casey Shultz, Haruhiko, David Ritter und RA Blum.

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