sexta-feira, 11 de maio de 2012

The Very Best: Yoshua Alikuti

O artista malawi "Esau Mwamwaya" e o produtor sueco "Johan Hugo" lançam a música "Yoshua Alikuti" para streaming e download gratuito. A música serve para promover o álbum "MTMTMK" do projeto "The Very Best" e está disponível através do "SoundCloud"

The artist malawi "Esau Mwamwaya" and Swedish producer "Johan Hugo" throw the song "Yoshua Alikuti" for streaming and download. The music serves to promote the album "MTMTMK", for the project "The Very Best", and is available through the "SoundCloud"

Der Künstler Malawi "Esau Mwamwaya" und schwedischen Herstellers "Johan Hugo" Werfen Sie das Lied "Yoshua Alikuti" für Streaming und Download. Die Musik dient dazu, das Album "MTMTMK," das Projekt "The Very Best" zu fördern, und ist durch die "SoundCloud" verfügbar

Художник Малави "Esau Mwamwaya" и шведский производитель "Johan Hugo" бросить песню "Yoshua Alikuti" для потоковой передачи и загрузки.Музыка служит в поддержку альбома "MTMTMK", проект "The Very Best", и доступны через "SoundCloud"

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