quarta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2011

The Halleluiah Chorus: I've Got To Find A Way

O grupo americano "The Halleluiah Chorus" lança a música "I've Got To Find A Way" para streaming e download gratuito através da revista Rolling Stone. A música serve para promover a coletânia "Eccentric Collection: The Nickel & Penny Labels".

The American group "The Halleluiah Chorus" casts the song "I've Got To Find A Way" for streaming and free download from Rolling Stone. The music serves to promote the collection "Eccentric Collection: The Nickel & Penny Labels".

Американская группа "The Halleluiah Chorus" ставит под песню "I've Got To Find A Way" для потоковой передачи и бесплатно загрузить с Rolling Stone.Музыка служит для содействия сбору "Eccentric Collection: The Nickel & Penny Labels".

Die amerikanische Gruppe "The Halleluiah Chorus" wirft den Song "I've Got To Find A Way" für Streaming und kostenloser Download von Rolling Stone. Die Musik dient dazu, die Sammlung "Eccentric Collection: The Nickel & Penny Labels" zu fördern.

El grupo norteamericano "The Halleluiah Chorus" lanza la canción "I've Got To Find A Way" para la transmisión y la descarga gratuita de la revista Rolling Stone. La música sirve para promover la colección "Eccentric Collection: The Nickel & Penny Labels".

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